A person only learns Torah from
the place where their heart desires.
Avodah Zarah 19a
אין אדם לומד תורה אלא ממקום שלבו חפץ שנאמר
What I Do
I love to teach and help facilitate engaging and fun learning experiences in a variety of settings. Whether in the classroom, or office, on the playing field, in the studio, on the stage or in a coffee shop, connecting with people and groups of all ages is a passion of mine. Learn about some of the areas and topics I enjoy facilitating and personalizing for different types of learners and communities:
Throughout my career, I have developed the belief that we foster profound connections with our own identity and faith, as well as with others through shared association, when we are able to authentically connect to our experience and space. In my work with people and organizations, I am passionate about exploring and achieving this through different (yet complimentary) ways:
Finding Holiness Through Our Relationships
The search for connection leads us in many directions. Some segments highlight meaning, intent and purpose while others may be viewed through ambiguity, randomness and chance. By focusing on and challenging the different types and phases of relationships that we (individually and communally) have, our overall experience and existence can be heightened.
By acknowledging the importance of the role that emotional intelligence plays in Jewish education, we can create deeper connections and significantly meaningful and immersive experiences. When the educator acts as a catalyst for and prioritizes the creation of this type of space and experience, it is a gateway to enhanced relationship with ourselves, each other and our learning. |
Looking Past the Doorposts
We are commanded to inscribe (God’s words) on our doorposts and gates. (Deuteronomy 11:20) Too often our learning spaces and experiences are void of visual reminders of core values and mission-driven imagery. This pedagogy recognizes the importance and opportunity for intentional use of space and visual representation of who we are, what we value and how we want to inspire and educate. Beyond “marketing” and “user experience,” the educator has the ability to design space that elicits meaningful conversation about and interaction with core values and texts and upholds the act of hiddur mitzvah – the beautification of a mitzvah, as is detailed in the Talmud for the rituals connected to Sukkot. Design Work
Being a visual and kinesthetic learner, graphic design has long been one of my passions. I use design to help values and concepts come to life in creative, fun and aesthetically-pleasing ways, helping to tell the story and invite the viewer to experience it. From event promotional materials to invitations to engaging presentations to original content for websites and social media channels, I enjoy collaborating with people to think differently and help their message live outside of the box in exciting and engaging ways. |
Brett has taught at, led programming for, consulted or spoken at the following synagogues and organizations: